Monday, January 29, 2007

What I don't want this to become......

A few weeks ago I was listening to Garrison Keillor on Prairie Home Companion. I enjoy the Lake Wobegon stories because, like for so many others, they remind me of my family. In this particular story he was talking about the obsession so many people have with My Space, Xanga, and blogs. He made a statement that made me laugh....he referred to them as "narcissistic monuments to ourselves". So true...yet here I am creating a blog. What gives?

What I DO NOT want this blog to become is a "narcissistic monument to myself". I do not want this to become a space to brag, boast, complain, or poke fun. I DO want this to become a space to express and wrestle with ideas. As an educator, I am wrestling with ideas everyday. My students help me wrestle with ideas through the questions they ask and the challenges they raise. My hope is to use this space to let others in on this wrestling.

Please feel free to enter into the fray - and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

don't worry about it Lief. let's just wrestle.