Friday, July 11, 2008

Breathe on me Breath of God

Lately I've been thinking about the importance of "place". When we live in a place for awhile, it becomes a part of us. Our memories become intertwined with it...and it doesn't take much for past, dormant ones to be awakened. A smell, a familiar sight or sound... and we are sucked back to a different time and place.

While we loved our trip to California, there was a sense of relief for my wife and I as we got off the plane to thick July humidity and the wonderful smell of ... corn. The smell of water always reminds me of trips to all sorts of lakes growing up in Minnesota. Swimming, fishing, throwing rocks... This morning I had one of those moments. Walking with my daughters... the humidity dripping from the air... and the sweet breeze blowing in my face. Exhilarating...

A few months ago my daughter asked me where the wind came from. "The wind is God's breath" I replied. Why is said this... I'm not sure. Maybe because I didn't want to get into air masses and high / low pressure gradients. Or, maybe I still hold this strange idea that kids should find the world to be a magical place... Regardless, I said it, and as far as I know she still believes me. This morning...I believe me.

1 comment:

Uncle Amos said...

What can I're so: literary.