The thrust of the meeting consisted of arguments concerning the "problem" of cable "addiction". A part of me was a little uncomfortable with the way the word "addiction" was thrown around. Should we start a support group? Is there a 12 step program? I'm not denying the power and allure of the "idiot box"...but just turn the thing off, for Pete's sake!
Just for the record, I originally supported the motion to get rid of cable - but not because I think cable is evil. The so called cable problem is a symptom of a deeper issue: What is the purpose of college education? More and more it seems we are running a hotel / resort - a very expensive hotel / resort. Academics just seem to get in the way of the more important things going on. Oh, yeah, I shouldn't use the word "academics" - it wreaks of intellectualism. I guess I can't use the word "scholar" either...when suggested that a student's role for four years is that of scholar - eyes roll. We are America, after all, a democracy...and what's more democratic then cable TV. On cable TV all ideas are equal...and the TV watcher has the ultimate power of veto - the channel changer. There is nothing more un-American as the notion of "academics" or "scholar". Such language reflects a "youthinkyourbetterthenmeism". And we certainly can't have that.
I realize that getting rid of cable is not the cure all. There are many other avenues of distraction, some even more influential then cable TV. Such distractions are not always a bad ... we need them from time to time to get some perspective, or just be entertained. But when I hear of students threatening to transfer if cable TV is taken away? Hmmmm...I have to wonder....
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